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Safety Checking


Prior to construction, a joint meeting will be held to review the safety documents pertaining to the Area


Before construction, a joint meeting will be held to review the safety documents of the Area. As a minimum, the following personnel should attend

  • Site safety representatives
  • Site Manager

1. The objectives of the meeting will be:
2. Review the existing Construction Safety Execution Manual to ensure that the objectives of the Company’s Health and Safety Program are being met.
3. Ensure that the Construction Safety Execution Manual meets the requirements of regulatory authorities.
4. Review the responsibilities of the various entities who will be on-site including:

  • Client
  • Progress & Partners
  • Subcontractors
  • Consultants
  • Other contractors (if any)

5. Review whether significant site hazards have been properly identified and necessary procedures are in place to properly deal with these hazards, such as:

  • Protection of workers against hazards
  • Site safety orientation program

6. Program for voluntary disclosure by workers for medical. All workers will be required to attend a general safety orientation session II foreman shall remain at or near the worksite at all times completely free to direct and advise his crew, monitor his crew’s activities, and obtain permits for his crew’s work on an hourly, daily and weekly basis.


A safety representative and the subcontractor shall audit all construction equipment for compliance with regulatory and project safety standards as explained in the contractor Safety Manual. Deficiencies shall be corrected before the use of the equipment on the project. Equipment that appears to be in poor repair will repair a mechanic’s certification of worthiness.

A record of the check shall be kept by the Company and a copy is given to the Subcontractor. A new check will be completed in its entirely when deficiencies have been corrected.


Progress & Partners management is committed to achieving a high level of excellence in the health and safety of employees and believes this is only achievable through open and constant communications at all levels. To ensure this, the company management shall conduct the following meetings/sessions on all work sites:


Daily: This is a short, pre-job meeting to discuss the work of the day, the hazards involved and the precautions to be taken. Where a critical task is planned, this meeting shall be minutes and an attendance record taken. Attendance should be limited to the workers on a particular job and their immediate supervisor(s).

Meeting topics should be of concern to the job at hand. Workers to be followed by a site-specific safety orientation at individual sites. All workers who attend orientation sessions will be required to sign an attendance sheet.


All of the subcontractor’s supervision staff on-site, at the level of foreman and above, shall be required to attend one or more orientation at individual sites. All workers who attend orientation sessions will be required to sign an attendance sheet.

  • To describe more fully the supervisor’s responsibility for the safety of his crew.
  • To describe the Supervisor’s accountability for the quality of the work performed by his crew.
  • To describe the work planning progress in which subcontractor must submit a Weekly Work Plan before obtaining a Work Permit
  • To describe to Work Permit System
  • To review the concept of workplace hazard identification wherein the foreman conscientiously assesses the workplace for existing and potential safety and hazards as part of his daily routine. Identification of hazards would be followed by automatic initiation of corrective action before the occurrence of accidents or incidents.

7. Review level of contact has been set up with the regulatory agencies.
8. Review contractual elements of safety within subcontract agreements.
9. Devise a plan by which any outstanding deficiencies can be rectified before the commencement of construction.


In addition to any bid review meetings which may be required to be held with potential subcontractors during the bid evaluation phase, after contract award, and before the subcontractor starting work, each subcontractor will be required to attend a pre-construction safety meeting. The following personnel, as a minimum, shall attend the meeting:

Site Manager
Field Safety Supervisor
Subcontractor Safety Representative
Subcontractor Site Supervisor
Subcontractor Management Personnel

A meeting agenda will be provided to all attendees well in advance of the meeting and the meeting will be monitored, A typical lists of some agenda item to be considered are as follows:

1. Introduction of personnel and responsibilities:

  • Designation of chairman and recording secretary
  • Identification of attendees, company affiliations

2. Scope of work and layout:

  • Outline of the job (purpose, layout, duration, manpower, etc…)
  • Outline related work/other subcontractors
  • Locate restricted work area
  • Review environmental and area residents’ concerns for the project
  • Review significant site hazards

3. Safety

  • Review safety objectives for the Project
  • Review subcontractor’s safety and requirements
  • Review project safety and policy
  • Review employee safety responsibilities/rules for construction site

4. Review pertinent government regulations and establish contract responsibilities.
5. Identify safety representative of contractor, subcontractor, and client.
6. Identify emergency response coordinator.
7. Establish procedures for the creation of appropriate work site safety committees.
8. Discuss

  • Safety meeting schedule, format records, and attendance.
  • Orientation of new employees
  • Requirement for incident/accident reporting
  • Monthly safety records reports being generated

9. Review Safe Work Procedures, stressing that they will be enforced on site.
10. Identify “hot and cold” work permit areas, emphasizing confined space entry and evacuation.
11. Identify smoking areas and rules.
12. Schedule initial equipment checkout and all safety and equipment inspections,
13. Review established project speed limits.
14. Stress that good housekeeping is a high priority and shall be enforced.
15. Schedule emergency drills.
16. Review First-Aid/Health issues.
17. Establish accepted ways and means of disposal of waste material, effluent, spills, etc.
18. Establish communications requirements.
19. Review if contractual implications of subcontractor non-conformance to the Construction Safety Manual
20. Devise a plan and schedule for dealing with any safety deficiencies before construction. Distribute copies of all construction procedures and methods to be used in this site, and record the distribution in the minutes.


Worker orientation for all progress and Partners and Subcontractor’s Personnel who will be working on the construction portion of a project shall be handled by the company under the direction of the Field Safety Supervisor.

Orientation is a pre-requisite to working at any construction site except those persons granted Visitor Status as outlined in Section 5.0 “Security Requirement” of the construction safety manual. Workers who have attended the site safety orientation session shall be given an identification card which should be retained on a person to be shown on demand while within any of the construction areas or on transportation to and from the job site.

Safety orientation shall include the following information:

  • Brief review of project scope and purpose
  • Review of the relationship of Progress & Partners/Subcontractor
  • Review of Safe Work Procedures Manual (being Section 2 of Construction Safety Execution Manual)
  • Training comprising minimum standard required by law.
  • Review of site security.
  • Review of basics of Emergency Response Plan and an Indication where Information relevant to specific worksites may be obtained.


All workers will be required to attend a general safety orientation session to be followed by a site-specific safety orientation at individual sites. All workers who attend orientation sessions will be required to sign an attendance sheet.


All of the subcontractor’s supervision staff on-site, at the level of foreman and above, shall be required to attend one or more orientation sessions conducted by the Company, in addition to the Project Safety Orientation previously described. The purpose of the sessions will be:

  • To describe more fully the supervisor’s responsibility for the safety of his crew
  • To describe the supervisor’s accountability for the quality of the work performed by his crew.
  • To describe the work planning process in which the subcontractor must submit a weekly work plan before obtaining a work permit.
  • To describe the work permit system
  • To review the concept of workplace hazard identification wherein foreman conscientiously assesses the workplace and existing potential safety hazards as part of his daily routine. Identification of hazards would be followed by automatic initiation of corrective action before the occurrence of accidents or incidents

All foremen shall remain at or near the worksite at all times completely free to direct and advise his crew, monitor his crew’s activities, and obtain permits for his crew’s work on an hourly, daily, and weekly basis.


A safety representative and the subcontractor shall audit all construction equipment for compliance with regulatory and project safety standards as explained in the contractor Safety Manual. Deficiencies shall be corrected before the use of the equipment on the project. Equipment that appears to be in poor repair will require a mechanic’s certification of worthiness.

A record of the check shall be kept by the Company and a copy is given to the Subcontractor. A new check will be completed in its entirety when deficiencies have been corrected.


Progress & Partners management is committed to achieving a high level of excellence in the health and safety of employees and believes this is only achievable through open and constant communication at all levels. To ensure this, the Company management shall conduct the following meetings/ sessions on all work sites:


Daily: This is a short, pre-job meeting to discuss the work of the day, the hazards involved and the precautions to be taken. Where a critical task is planned, this meeting shall be minute and an attendance record taken. Attendance should be limited to the workers on a particular job and their immediate supervisor(s).


Meeting topics should be of concern to the job at hand. Workers should feel free to discuss immediate problems and concerns. The supervisor must review pertinent work procedures at this meeting.

Weekly: These meetings are similar to the daily meetings, but additional time should be scheduled so that major topics of safety and discussions on the resolution of previous safety items can be discussed.

Weekly Craft labor toolbox meetings shall be minted and an attendance record will be signed by all present. Progress & Partners safety representative shall be advised of all scheduled meetings, shall attend if possible, and shall receive copies of minutes and attendance record.


The meeting shall be attended by the supervisors and foremen representing all trades of the major site subcontractors and the supervisors and foremen of all minor subcontractors. Safety personnel shall also attend. Meetings will be chaired and minted by the site management personnel. Before the weekly site safety meeting, site management may request the subcontractor’s senior site representative to accompany them and the client’s senior site representatives on an executive walk-around safety inspection. The purpose of the walk around is to identify hazard areas due to changing site conditions and to assess general safety practices being utilized. Typical discussions/minutes should include:

  • Date, time of commencement, and adjournment
  • Location of the construction site, name of Subcontractor(s), and types of construction
  • Members of the committee present. List names with spaces for occupation, name of employer, and company crew size
  • Subcontractors or trades not represented
  • Minutes of the previous meeting


  •  Report of the dispensation of previous recommendations
  •  Accidents or injuries investigated since the previous meeting
  • Weekly job site meetings report
  • Any unsafe conditions, inspection, project safety audit report, or observation report are to be read into the minutes, including the date, report number, and name of the inspector
  • First-Aid Report
  • The attendant’s name
  • Report of injuries since the previous meeting
  •  Accidents or injuries requiring further investigation
  • Members’ reports of unsafe conditions identifying the:
  • Problem
  • Corrective action
  • Responsibility
  • Results of executive walk-around safety inspection
  • Work schedule projections
  • Other business
  • Date of next meeting
  • Secretary’s signature


For each project area, biweekly review meetings shall be held to review incidents of equipment damage, personal injuries, construction errors, close call occurrences, thefts, fire exposure, attendance, and productivity performance.
Attendees will include:

  • Project Manager
  • SiteManager
  • Field Safety Supervisor
  • Representatives of Subcontractors

Required improvement or changes to safety precautions on the project may result from these meetings. Implementation of these actions will be the responsibility of the Site Manager.


The principal purpose for reporting accidents is to ensure that any injured worker(s) receive the benefits to which they are entitled and to ensure that information regarding the accident is received by the proper people who can assist in preventing similar occurrences elsewhere. Some guidelines in reporting are presented here to assure that a uniform method of reporting and recording accidents is utilized on the project by all persons.


Field safety reports and records are the responsibility of the Site Manager.
He may designate, as required, other staff to compile and complete the reports.
Field reports and records must be completed immediately after each accident. Each reportable medical aid lost time accident, or property damage/loss will require the completion of an Accident Investigation Report in addition to any reports completed by the Employer involved. Accidents involving cranes will additionally require completion of the Crane Accident Investigation Report. Copies of all investigation reports will be sent to the Safety Representative within 24 hours of the occurrence; however safety Representative will be notified verbally as soon as possible after the occurrence. The originals of any Accident Investigation Report will be routed through the Safety Representative for signature before distribution.

  • Monthly statistics reports relating to accidents will be following the company standard manual.


Any occurrence of injury or illness reported to first aid, supervision, or a medical treatment center shall be recorded in detail in the First-Aid Treatment Book. A First-Aid Treatment Book will be kept in the First Aid. Trailer at each site for all employees working at each site. Entries in the logbook shall be by the nurse, or the designated First Aid Representative and all information shall be kept confidential. Subcontractors who do not work on the sites covered by Project First-Aid facilities shall make provisions for their own First-Aid treatment and records. First-Aid Treatment Books of all subcontractors are subject to audit by safety personnel.


Any occurrence which becomes a medical aid case in addition to being registered in the Site First-Aid Treatment Book shall be recorded on a Medical Aid Treatment Log. One copy of this log will be filed with the Head Office Safety Department Section Officer every month whether or not there were any reported occurrences.

All Subcontractors are required to advise the Field Safety Supervisor or his designate of the occurrence of a medical aid case.
In addition to being recorded on the Medical Aid Treatment Log, the medical aid case will be investigated, and an Accident Investigation Report shall be completed.


When an employee experiences an accident, the employee has the right to be examined, the First-Aid Attendant may require such an examination in any event, if it is to be necessary.

In the event the doctor determines the employee should take time off work in addition to the day accident occurred, the accident becomes a “Lost Time Accident”

A lost-time accident is required to be reviewed with the senior management within 24 hours after the occurrence.

All lost time accidents shall be investigated and recorded of the lost time accident report and shall be submitted to the safety representative and the Head Office Safety Department Section Officer every month whether or not lost time accidents occurred during the month.

Any infraction and/or potentially unsafe conditions shall be recorded at the time they are observed, and corrective action must be initiated immediately. If immediate corrective action is not possible, the hazard (s) shall be identified with markers as “unsafe” until proper corrective action can be taken.

The completed inspection form with the appropriate comments and actions required shall be filed with the Site Manager upon completion of the inspection with a copy to the subcontractor.

The Field Safety Inspector shall follow-up on his inspection report to ascertain that areas marked “unsafe” are being corrected as soon as possible.

The SiteManagershall formally advises the subcontractor in writing of any unsafe condition on which action has not been taken by the time of the next weekly inspection, requesting corrective action. Lack of response to the written advisory request will be cause for contractual action against the subcontractor.

On a more frequent basis, preferably daily, while the Safety Inspector is doing a normal round of the work site, a mental or written checklist of potential safety infractions should be compiled. Subcontractors should be verbally advised of any apparent infractions.


Each Subcontractor shall submit to site management no later than the 2nd working day of the following month a Subcontractor’s Monthly Safety Report detailing lost time accidents, medical aid, near misses, lost workdays, man-hours worked, and automotive incidents on the form provided.

First-Aid Representative shall summarize the first-aid visits every month for each of the sites where a first-aid trailer (and record book) is located.


projects from the summaries provided, and checked against information obtained from accident/incident reports:

Lost Time Frequency Rate
Record of Man-hours and Accidents
Gross man-hours worked on the project for all contractor personnel (including subcontractors)
Brief description of all major safety achievements and recommendations

Additionally, minutes of all safety meetings and inspections, a summary of all serious incidents and corrective action, and copies of individual subcontractor’s statistics reports will be attached.
Cumulative project statistics will be provided in the form of “Lost Time
Frequency Rate” and “Record of Man-hours and Accidents”.