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Quality Management Sysytem

0 +

Years Experience


All contractual activities are planned, controlled, and documented

The policy of Probuilding Projects is to deliver products and services to the client in conformance with contract requirements, on time, and free of defect. For this purpose, the company has developed and maintains a Quality Management System covering engineering, procurement, and construction.

The Company requires that: All personnel work under Quality Management System, Project Quality Plans and Contract Documents. All contractual activities are planned, controlled, and documented. Records are well maintained to provide evidence of quality level achieved and to enable the company to verify the quality of work supplied.

Quality Management System (QMS)

The Quality Management System covers engineering, procurement, and construction activities of the company and comprises the following documents:

Quality Manual

The quality manual includes:
a.)Quality Policy, objectives, and the scope of QMS
b.)Documented procedures and processes for managing our operations and activities are established in the QMS.
c.)Brief description of the interaction between the processes/procedures of the QMS.


The Quality System processes/procedures are a compilation of interrelated and interacting processes/procedures flowcharts/text written to reflect the management system that we currently use. The corporate quality manual is applicable to all nosiness units. From these processes/procedures, the project-specific process/procedures are drawn out for use in developing the business units.


Project quality plans, work instructions, and inspection, and test plans spell out the requirements of the project and lay down which company processes/procedures are to be used/modified to program and control the works of the project.

The Project Quality Plans are established by the following minimum requirements:

  • Project Organization Structure
  • Design Activities
  • Procurement Activities
  • Construction Activities
  • Requirements for receiving materials including certification
  • Requirements for storage and handling at site
  • Installation activities including testing, hold and witness points
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Requirements for special processes
  • Specific project procedures

Non-conforming conditions are reported in accordance with approved procedures. Corrective actions are completed in accordance with contract requirements, project specifications and to the satisfaction of the client.


Procedures for special processes shall meet the requirements of applicable industry standards. Qualification of welding procedures and welders is carried out by Independent Testing Agency. Non-destructive examinations are carried out by an approved Independent Testing Agency and by applicable industry standards.


The main function of QA/QC personnel is to monitor installation activities, and to perform inspection and testing, to ensure that products and services meet specified requirements. QA/AC personnel will take adequate measures to ensure the implementation of the Project Quality Plan. QA/QC personnel are not directly responsible for the execution of work and they report to the Corporate QA Manager at the head office.


Builders Contracting shall determine the level of experience and training necessary to ensure the capability of personnel to identify the quality factors affecting the project of processes on a planned and timely basis. Special training is given to construction personnel in all matters related to Project Quality Plans.


Implementation of a specific Project Quality Plan.

  • Defined responsibilities and scope of activities
  • Implementation of specific Project Inspection and Test Plan.
  • Competent, qualified, trained, and experienced supervisory staff/tradesmen are assigned to perform the specific jobs.
  • Control of documents, registration, transmittal, distribution approval, and filing system and control of quality records generated.
  • Control of procurement and material activities including identification and traceability.
  • Issue Non-Conformance Report (NCR) or Corrective Action Request (CAR) for violation of project specification and applicable standards.
  • Perform periodic audits of the project activities at the office/construction site.
  • Perform periodic management reviews to determine the effectiveness of the project quality plan.