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Project Controls




A project comprises a series of phases and activities. A method to harness the entire effort, throughout various stages of the project is called planning. Planning is to define the activities involved in the project, establish the logical sequence, and inter-relationship between activities. Scheduling is to place the project activities on a working timetable.


Planning is essential to perform a function with minimum wastage of time and effort. The schedule is a phased plan used as a guide to monitoring performance and controls the pace of activities to ensure completion of the project at the required time. A CPM-based schedule prepared at beginning of the project identifies activities critical for achieving timely project completion. This helps in concentrating efforts on issues critical to project completion from the beginning and provides an opportunity to arrange for mobilization and demobilization of suitable manpower in a timely manner.

Periodic updating of CPM network-based schedule provides the impact of delayed activities on project completion and on any milestone dates. Thus, provides management with an important tool for taking timely and calculated decisions about suitable corrective measures. Proper planning and scheduling serve as the basis for the evaluation of progress and performance. It helps in the effective utilization of resources. A brief outline of Planning & Scheduling activities during each stage of the project is provided below.

A. Tender Stage
At the tender stage one or all of the following documents shall be produced:

  • CPM-based Master Schedule for the project, based on contractual milestones.
  • Manpower Histogram for the project.
  • Billing Projection or Cash flow for the project.
  • Project organization chart.

B. On Award of Project
Within two weeks of signing the contract or receiving a letter of intent the following documents are to be produced:

  • Detailed Project Schedule for the project based on the master schedule prepared at tender stage, Bill of Quantities, project specifications, etc.
  • Engineering Schedule based on a list of drawings provided by the Technical Department Schedule will show target dates for preparation, submittal, and approval of design drawings, shop drawings, etc.
  • Procurement Schedule for the project. This schedule will provide target dates for SRF issuance, BTF issuance, BTF/submittal approval, placement of purchase orders, and delivery to the site for all equipment and materials.
  • Manpower Schedule for the project showing manpower requirement by trade, prepared using budgeted man-hours from studies Department and construction schedule.
  • Project Cash flow based on project issued by Studies Department, project pricing schedule, payment terms, and detailed project schedules.

C. During Contract Period
Activities are performed, for all active projects, on monthly basis:

  • Site Visit – Assigned Planner shall visit the site on a regular basis to obtain information on the progress of work and any problems affecting the progress of work.
  • Project Schedule Update – Project Schedule shall be periodically updated in light of actual progress, achieved, turnaround report sends by site, the status of material procurement and approvals, etc.
  • Procurement Status Report – Review the reports, prepared by the Materials Control Department, providing the actual status of each item throughout various stages of procurement against the procurement schedule. Shall analyze the effect of any delayed items on the project schedule and highlight items requiring special attention of management and/or concerned department head.

Project Progress Status Report – A monthly report consisting of the following elements shall be issued by the project managers: 

Project Overview providing important contractual and financial data. Executive Summary giving an overall view, highlighting problem areas requiring management attention and giving recommendations for possible correction action. Schedule status planned vs actual and organization chart. 

Project Status providing the status of engineering’s, procurements, construction’s along with identification of major issues for each. Construction status shall include information about manpower on-site, subcontractors, safety, and quality of work. 

Progress Photographs to reflect the project status are on the cut-off date of the report.
The Projects Control Department will circulate this report to General Manager and concerned department heads for information
and necessary action.

A monthly Overall project status report giving a summary comparison between planned and actual progress for all projects.
A monthly report comparing actual financial progress against planned financial progress for all active projects.
In addition to the above following, additional functions are performed as and when required by the client or management.

  1. Revised Project Schedule in case of major deviation from the original schedule.
  2. Analysis of delay on a project to be used as the basis for time extension and additional compensation claim.
  3. Analysis showing the impact of variation orders on completion of the project.
  4. Revised manpower projections and revised cash flow.
  5. Prepare formal progress Reports as per the requirements of the clients.